Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The weather changed today and it was COLD! OK so it was only in the 50-60's but it felt freezing compared to what we have been having.

Today was my rest day but I just couldn't pass up such good running weather so I went out for an easy 4 miles. I have been wanting to get my weekly mileage up in the 30-40 range anyway so I thought this might be a good way to start.

I felt good, a little pain the leg but I think it was just tightness. I stretched it really good afterwards and it seems better.

Tomorrow I'm back on the Boston plan with a 7 mile tempo run.

Thanks for listening

Route:--Elev. Avg:1173 ft
Location:Edmond, OKElev. Gain:+0 ft
Date:09/03/08Up/Downhill: [+285/-285]
Time:05:45 PMDifficulty:2.6 / 5.0
 65 F temp; 78% humidity
 65 F heat index; winds N 12 G 20

Distance: 4.22 miles
Speed:7.1 mph
Pace:8' 27 /mi
Pace (min/mile)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
18' 30+0' 037.0-0.1-4 ft
28' 37+0' 107.0-0.1+13 ft
38' 00-0' 277.5+0.4-13 ft
48' 24-0' 037.1+0.0-10 ft
end9' 41+1' 146.2-0.9+13 ft
Versus average of 8' 27 min/mile


Calyx Meredith said...

Yay for cooler weather! I wish we'd get some of that without getting drenched first. We're about to get a bunch of rain. May have to run anyway!

Maryland Girl aka Michelle said...

Hope your runs keep getting better!

RBR said...

Yo Speedy Gonzales, don't skip your rest days.

(Like how I was all authoritative and stuff?)

Just want you to stay healthy. *smooches*