Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Jesus

It's Christmas Eve and I'm finally ready for the Christmas season to start! So last night while I was starting my Christmas shopping everyone kept asking if I was getting "those last minute" gifts. No in fact I'm just getting started?? What's the problem? I have many hours left until Christmas and I like to get started early to beat those other dads. I bought The Little One a Big Wheel last night. I felt a little guilty buying a Big Wheel for a kid in a wheel chair though. Is that a cruel joke? The Big One found it incredibly funny and was the one who pointed it out to me that this may be inappropriate. Should be interesting to watch him open it tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.

In Willie running news, I've had a pretty good week of just running. I've convinced myself that I am NOT training, I'm just running. I may have gotten myself to believe it too! I ran 4 easy miles tonight and didn't even look at Garmin. I was bundled up in pants and my wonderful Brooks coat and I just shuffled along at whatever pace felt good. I'm just running. It helps. I still haven't had a long run since Dallas so I feel a little out-of-sorts. I also feel fat, sluggish, bloated, scruffy (no shaving), grimy (no shower), lazy (Ok I like that feeling), and hopefully a little drunk tonight. All in all pretty good for Willie.

Would Jesus have been a runner if he lived in modern times? It seems he walked a lot back in his time. The Bible doesn't really say why he didn't take the bus or subway, I like to think he was health conscious and knew that walking would help his heart and cardiovascular system. He did create those things after all so he, of all people, would know how to keep them in tip-top shape. I don't know if he would have run though. He would be welcome at any marathon I know because I hear his name a lot after mile 22 of most marathons I've done. It would be tough for him though because he would be busy answering all those calls and prayers. One thing that would help him today is that they make running sandals now. That would save him from IT band problems or shine splints.

So Merry Christmas to both of you that read this blog. I've got my family here with me tonight and a wonderful glass of wine beside me. The house is warm and I've got cookies in the oven. The Little One is beside himself with excitement and has even promised to go to bed early tonight so he won't miss Santa. The house will still be warm in the morning and I will have coffee and breakfast when I wake up. My kids will open their presents and spend the rest of the day enjoying them. I'll spend the day watching them and trying hard to take in all the joy that they bring to me. I say all this not to brag but to point out how lucky I am in the grand scheme of things. Not everyone in the world, or in this country even, can say the things I've just written. I am truly blessed with everything I've been given. I take it for granted way to often and am guilt ridden that I only seem to remember how lucky I am once or twice a year. Most importantly though, Christmas reminds me that a loser like me, who seems to do nothing but wrong, has a chance to be forgiven. All because of the little tiny baby Jesus who was born into this world he created. I may forget to say it often enough but thanks for that Jesus and Happy Birthday.

Thanks for listening


Southbaygirl said...

I hope you have an amazing Christmas with your family!!!! You are not a loser! I think you're a pretty cool guy!!!

Happy Holidays Willie!!!

Reese said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family my friend.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Willie to you and your family. May God bless you again this year. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the Big Wheel was a non-event, and that you did have a good Christmas. My brother in law waits until the very end too, to buy presents, and yet he always seems to get such good stuff,and to get it all done!!

Happy New Year,Willie!