Thursday, February 7, 2008

A vicarious run around the block

No Pilates tonight. Work has been really hard this week. I really need a night of rest. I know some people who can go and go but every now and then I look forward to a night of just vegging out in front of the TV. Of course there's nothing on because of the writer's strike but I haven't watched TV in so long that re-runs are fine with me.

As I was turning into my neighborhood tonight I saw some very insensitive man running. Can you believe that! How arrogant to run by me when I'm hurt. And he's on MY sidewalk! Mr. 'Look at me run' was probably going to run east on Danforth past Ted's Mexican restaurant that always smells like sizzling Fajitas. Then he'll run past Aspen Fitness center and wonder how people can spend hours "inside" working out. Then Mr. 'Willie is worthless 'cause he can't run' will turn South on Bryant and run past the golf course with the cool fountain in the pond. Soon after that he'll pass the place where I took one fateful step last year and saw pain face-to-face. Then he'll have to cross 2nd street which is extremely busy but the geniuses who run this town can't afford to put a crossing light up. If he survives the dash-of-death across 2nd street he'll have to deal with the bump in the sidewalk which in this state is considered a major hill. It's downhill past the Lowe's and onto the wide, new sidewalk they just put in last fall. Run past Hafer park where I had my absent-minded 5K a few weeks ago and Mr. 'I'm great and Willie's not' will continue on to 15th street. Turn West and he'll pass the Starbucks that smells sssooo good and then the fish restaurant that doesn't. He'll have to cross the street here or he'll run out of sidewalk before he makes it to Broadway. Turn North on Broadway and it's up hill for about a mile. I hope he sufferers and has to walk. Downhill past the Catholic Church and he'll have to contend with a blind corner where it's very likely to get run over by a mom who's late taking her child to Catholic school (She's the one on her cell phone with a coffee in the other). Up hill again and Mr. 'I'm taking this run for granted' will reach 2nd street again. There's a crossing light here of course because the traffics not as bad (go figure). Cross the street and he's on a really cool brick sidewalk that's not as cool for your ankles. Get past this and he's on the homestretch. Reach the nursing home where the nice people always say Hi, and he'll get to Danforth again. Cross the street and he's exactly 1 mile from home. He'll probably pick up the pace just to rub it in my face. Turn into the neighborhood and he'll want to stand tall and try not to look like he's hurting because there are people around he knows. Maybe that mean dog on the corner of Washington will be out and bite this guy on the ankle! If not, he'll finish the last few yards in a dead sprint and be feeling great as he reaches his driveway. Then he'll stop his watch, look at his time and feel great that he has the ability to do such an amazing thing as run 6 miles, endorphins will be along soon and a nice hot shower. Jerk

Thanks for listening


Southbaygirl said...

Have you thought about being a stand up comic?? Hey not all the tv shows are re-runs!! Lets see Eli Stone is new (worked on that), Cashmere Mafia-chick tv I know (didn't work on that), Lipstick Jungle starts tonight (didn't work on that) and then on mondays Sarah Connor Chronicles which is super fun (worked on that)...see lots to watch! HA! The stupid writers mee ton saturday to decide if they like the possible agreement. Keep your fingers crossed that the stupid writers, who I might add make WAY MORE MONEY than I do decide that they want to sign the new contract which will mean they will make EVEN MORE MONEY THAN THEY WERE making and in turn EVEN MORE money than I make. Buttheads. No, I'm not bitter!!

As for races. yes there are 2 races on the saturday. One is in downtown, it's a 5K put on by the LA Kings-you get a ticket to the game with your registration-the race starts at 8am.

There is also a race around the Long Beach area on saturday, 5K and 10K.Closer to the ocean!!

Check them out. I was thinking of doing the LA Kings race but the race on the base sounds cooler!! Who knows. Maybe I'll just drink beer on saturday! ha ha

Southbaygirl said...

nearly forgot-the sunset was stunning. Sorry!

Southbaygirl said...

Palmdale? so very far far away and in the desert! They have an airport that's open now....

Yeah you'll be looking forward to that beach run! Run to Hennessey's in Hermosa Beach(brown street signs) on Pier Av and have the Capt Crunch French toast-YUMMY!!! They also have a rooftop deck that overlooks the ocean-great view at sunset!!! Always a nice sunset hangout!!! A nice glass of wine, beautiful sunset, cool air, rooftop portable heaters-because it gets BRRRR cold here in california!!!

Southbaygirl said...

Palmdale SUCKS! Ugh-I've had to work there numerous times. besides the fact that it's a 2 hour drive for's hot, miserable-blah

Southbaygirl said...

Hey-I feel the 2 hours of Pilates...I'm tired. As for partying-ha what's that....I'm not the big partying type-not that I don't go out occasionally but after 2 years with the ex and his MAJOR partying ways I felt the need to get back to me and what I normally do. he would go out every night if he could, spend loads of money, drink until he got shit faced-he was all or nothing...and after 2 years that was really getting to me. That's not me. i like to go out for a nice dinner a nice bottle of wine, or on the weekends go watch my football /basketball games have some beers-he was very much into the hollywood scene-and that's not me...I'm a beach girl. So my nights now are spent in quieter ways which I kinda like-and wow the money I'm not spending now that he's GONE! Unbelievable.

Races-there is the Chinatown Firecracker 10k on sunday. gotta figure out if I can afford it since I'm taking my dog herding on sunday as well. Still no work and probably wont be work until last week in Feb/beg March-so must continue to but oh well. I'm supposed to run 7 miles this weekend. I'd like to run the "rat race" on sunday because I'll get a cool t-shirt and a year of the rat medal. It will probably be a spur of the moment thing

The Palmdale airport just opened fairly recently-and it might not stay open long-don't think business is too good. Can't say there are many takers to fly in and out of Palmdale.

Going to go watch the sunset with a glass of vino!!! My rest day so to speak!